Top iOS App Development Trends for 2022

We have entered an amazing year for the mobile application sector. As competition between Android and iOS continues its cutthroat intensity, the number of new applications entering the space across genres is at an all-time high.

While the outcome of this competition will provide a great user experience for users from both sides of the operating systems, app founders also have reasons to be happy. Statista researches that mobile application revenue count will reach $693 billion in 2022.

There are many variables to consider when answering the question 'How much does app development cost?' Especially when we think about iPhone application development costs. There are many variables to consider and think about before choosing your iOS App Development Cost plan. We've broken down these costs according to a checklist to make it easier for you to plan.

One of the main reasons behind the growth that the platforms are witnessing is the constant improvement that both OSes are coming to. In this article, we take a look at a list of iOS app development trends to expect from a successful OS in 2022 and beyond.

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iOS App Development Trends 2022

1. Swift 6

It starts with choosing the best-suited programming language. For iOS developers, Swift establishes itself as an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn tool. It is widely used by all iOS app development teams in small and large scale companies.

Examples of these companies include LinkedIn, Apple, Skyguide and Slack. Why is Swift so productive and convenient in iOS app development? Its API and module stability, extreme compatibility, and other features help iOS developers focus on code quality and logic.

2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

The technology of artificial intelligence and machine learning is not new in the development of iOS apps. You can't think of a successful iOS app without the amazing speech and facial recognition, Siri text and search recommendations.

These features are now more comprehensive for developing custom iOS apps. Because of this, implementing AI and ML will continue to be a top trend in 2022 and beyond.

3. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is one of the latest trends that has been implemented most successfully in iOS development. In recent years augmented reality has become a real mania for all branches of human activity on iOS platforms. AR has also moved into many other fields, including healthcare, design and marketing.

4. Internet of Things

IoT is a perfect example of the importance of tying iOS app development to changes in clients' daily lives. IoT technology allows users to connect all devices in a single system. Then they use them smoothly.

5. CloudKit

Cloud-based iOS apps have a unique place among the top iOS app development trends in 2022. They are capable of storing, managing and managing heaps of data. They do this without disrupting the everyday user experience.

CloudKit is a tool for providing and transferring information to open up new and better ways to develop an iOS app. We may find some limitations in solving complex jobs and meeting the expectations of the application user. Following are the main reasons why you should consider CloudKit for building cloud-based iOS apps:

  • Ease of configuration and convenience
  • Using additional libraries
  • In managing favorable institutions

6. Wearables

These gadgets are not new in the market. They help as fitness smartwatches and trackers are captured in modern market statistics. They show that in 2022 there will be more than 1 billion connected wearables worldwide. Such huge popularity has come to light due to accessibility through these gadgets.

Wearables are perfect for tracking overall health conditions, achieving fitness goals, communicating more conveniently and quickly, being productive, and performing simple tasks more efficiently. Some advanced wearables serve different purposes.

7. The iBeacon

It is an emerging low energy Bluetooth technology used to create all kinds of shopping experiences. It is a more accurate technology than GPS that works even in closed buildings or places. iBeacon in broadcasting targeted marketing messages to potential clients as they walk and work nearby. You can send ad reminders and special offers.

8. Chatbots

Chatbots are the new buzzwords among iOS application developers. Artificial intelligence drives chatbots. The software can be replaced by teams of client service executives within the company. Increasing numbers of enterprises have decided to use this technology in their applications.

They make chatbots a part of iOS application development trends. Your business will benefit from a chatbots program by automating client services and other day-to-day tasks. Customers get 24/7 support and they show up fast and big.


iOS app development is connected to various business domains and technology sectors. Apple is constantly working on upgrading its iOS app development infrastructure and environment to provide users with a high-quality mobile experience.

And above iOS app development trends come with innovative and advanced capabilities that help businesses develop amazing iOS apps. So, if you want to use these iOS app development trends in 2022, try using them under the expert guidance of a leading IOS application development company in san diego.